So, you want to stand out as a Developer in a competitive job market?

So, you want to stand out as a Developer in a competitive job market?

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Download our Developer CV Template here!


As specialists in open source development recruitment we often get asked by our candidates, “How can I stand out to get the developer job I want”?

I always explain that the best place to start is to think of yourself as a brand that you are marketing.


To do this, ask yourself some key questions –

  • What sort of reputation do I have in the industry?
  • What do I offer in terms of expertise?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • What are my aspirations for the future?
  • How do I want to be known?


The answers to all of these will give you an idea as to the nature of your own personal brand. You then need to ask yourself how you can communicate this to people within the technical community whom you potentially want to work with.

The reality is you need to work on building your personal brand as an employee. To do this it is important to find opportunities to show off your skills in your CV and elsewhere. Consider your experience and make sure that the relevant people are aware of previous successful projects which you may have led or with which you have been involved. We’ve put together a Developer CV Template to use to get started. Download here!

As you know, one of the most useful platforms in the modern business world is social media. There are a variety of networks through which you can build your personal “stock”. I’m sure you are already active across a range of platforms, but do you consider your employability and ‘employee brand’ when doing so?

Contribute to Stack OverflowCPANGitHub and similar wherever possible; build upon your coding experience to showcase your capabilities. Many employers will check your activity here, but it is also always good to reference it in your CV.

I suggest you use Twitter and LinkedIn to talk about coding and development, which demonstrates your passion and enthusiasm. Make and elicit recommendations for and from managers and senior developers to demonstrate the strength of your reputation and network. Use Facebook to post development-related links and discussions. Connect with the right people, at the right time and you are halfway there.

The way in which you operate in the ‘real world’ is also important. Always aim to leave a lasting impression and never burn bridges. It is vital to maintain a strong presence within your community, whether that is online or in real life. Networking, meetups and events remain as important as ever, but we now have the advantages of technology to connect with a vast pool of potential customers, clients, and colleagues on a whole new level.


If you would like to discuss what employers are looking for, how you could effectively build your personal brand or events you could attend in order to stand out as a Developer when competing in the IT job market then please do get in touch on 020 8944 4187 or